Grouping "Other" text entries as new variables | XM Community

Grouping "Other" text entries as new variables

  • 1 March 2021
  • 2 replies

For a lot of our questions, we ask them to select all the medications they currently take and then provide them with an "Other" option that allows for them to enter text. We would like to then the most commonly entered other options as additional variables grouped with our provided options. I've tried to create variables, I've also looked at text IQ and stats IQ, I've looked at the support site and the community. I can't seem to find an answer and I'm not even entirely sure how to search for the answer for this.

Thanks in advance.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

Hi trelarosa ,
If I understand your question, you're looking for a way in Qualtrics to add write-in responses automatically to the multiple choice options of a question when you report out the results? I have questions like that in my surveys from time to time, and have not found a way to combine the MC options with the write-ins in Qualtrics. I end up exporting the data from Qualtrics and using a tool like Excel to do something like that.

Thanks for this response MatthewM . This is mostly correct. We often ask about medications the respondents are taking. Multiple people might write in similar or the same meds in their other text box. We plan on tagging them as topics using Text IQ so I was hoping to use the topic as an additional option instead of as an "Other" grouping. I was worried Excel would be the recommended approach.
It seems strange that this wouldn't be able to be done using the topics as embedded data. Hoping somebody provides us more guidance to help both of us!

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