Help with Piping Answers from Multiple Choice Questions | XM Community
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How do I pipe multiple selected answers, from multiple questions, into a new question?

I'm pulling from 22 questions that contain 110 potential answers.
Carry Forward is what you would usually use to achieve this but it only works for one question. I think you may have to program this by "brute force" unless there is a Javascript wizard that can help you out. So that means putting in all 110 potential answers and adding display logic onto the answer option.

See section on setting answer choice display logic:

When you go to put in all the options, you can use "Edit Multiple" as a short cut. Click on one of your 22 questions, in the right bar there will be box with the count labeled Choices, Edit Multiple should appear next to this. Click on it and it opens a menu where you can copy all the answer options. In your new question you should also have that option where you can paste it. If they are open text, you will have to use the piped text feature to get the respondent's verbatim answer and then also use display logic to hide responses as needed.
Thank you - I assumed the first part, but the second part may save me some time.

Do you know if there is an issue with "too much logic" for a single question (bogging down, errors, etc.)? I am not sure if I should split this into 4 questions, or keep it as one, due to the sheer number of possibilities.
I've never tried to have so many options. I'm not sure what it will do to bogging down the system. I would be most worried from a user experience perspective. If it's one question how many of those 110 could the most outrageous respondent see at once. I can't imagine that a person could process much more than 20 response options at once so aim to keep lists as short as possible when developing surveys.
Thanks for the help - part of the difficulty is determining the user experience. We don't want to overload them, so nailing down the logic is critical. I think we have a workaround, but that's creating it's own issues as well. Happy New Year!

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