Highlighting written text from respondents. | XM Community
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Good morning

I am building my first Qualtrics survey and I have a question regarding highlighting text. My study requires respondents to write a statement and after I would like them to highlight areas of their statement in the next block where they have lied. Is there a way of doing this or will they have to just write which parts they lied in?

Look forward to your answers.

Thanks in advance

Their is no such feature of capturing highlighted text in qualtrics. One of the solution can be: In the Q1 ask them to enter the text using text entry question type. Then add a page break and add Q2 (text entry form field question) pipe in the Q1 response in q2 question. And ask them to copy and paste the parts of statement they lied one by one in each text entry box.

Thank you very much 🙂

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