How can I add save button at each page/after 5 questions? How can I add comment text box and matrix? | XM Community
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I have a long survey of more than 50 questions each question will need around 3 mins to answer. I want my participants to click on save button at any point they want to stop and come later to answer the questions.

How can I add save button at each page or after 5 questions.

I want to add text comment after the matrix.

How can I add comment text box for the matrix question?
If you check Save and Continue in Survey Options then the answers will be saved every time the respondent clicks the Next button. When they come back, the survey will pick up right where it left off.

Add a text entry question after the Matrix with no page break between them.
I checked on the Save and Continue in Survey Options. However, when I filled half of my survey and closed it. then I opened the survey again it returns me from the start point.

Do I need to provide username and password for my participant to allow them to use this option?

How can I add username and password for my participant?

I have a look at this link

but the admin option not on my interface?

and how can I add save button on each page?


Are you in preview mode? Save & Continue doesn't work in preview mode.

If you are not in preview, then you need to provide more information. You don't need a username and password to use Save & Continue. What kind of link will respondents be using: email invites, personal link, anonymous link, etc.? Are respondents in a contact list?

Again, you don't need a save button. The Next button is the save button.
Many thanks, Tom

I am trying to add text entry and matrix at the same question but I couldn't.

Is there any option allow me to add( matric and text entry), (highlight and entry text) two type in one question?


That is what I need?

can I add in the same question?



entry text

> @TomG said:

> Add a text entry question after the Matrix with no page break between them.

Do you mean I can add text entry on the multiple choice like in this example?


I meant a text entry question like in your example image with three questions.

To combine a matrix and text, you could use a side-by-side with the choices in the first column and text entry in the second column.

There isn't a built-in way to combine a highlight and text entry question. I've done it with JS and a hidden text entry form that allows you to capture a comment for each highlighted phrase when you click on it.
Many thanks for your quick response.

I have an issue with the Highlight type when I write more than 10 multiple options It doesn't provide with multiple colours?



How can I add 20 options coloured?



I would like to change "Next" button in each pages as "Save and Continue" button, is there any code for that? Although it saves the answers, I would like to ensure participants to make them feel not pressured.

Thanks in advance

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