How can I connect two surveys with Login ID (via non-anonymous link)? | XM Community
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Dear all,
For a research project, I would like to combine two different surveys (consent form and research questions). Ideally, I want to give all the participants a randomized Login ID and pass this number to the second survey (non-anonymous, because we have to combine these results). I have taken the following steps:

  1. I created two different surveys and connected them by a customized end of the survey (if: "yes, I consent") --> redirect to URL of the second survey.

  2. I assigned a randomized Login ID number (10000-99999) to participants --> first survey, embedded data.

  3. Then, I created an action in the first survey (event-based) and added a task to the XM Directory. Although I actually only want them to pass the Login ID as an external data field, I also had to provide other information as the participant's first name etc., in order to save this step.

  4. In the second survey, I implemented an authenticator on top of the survey from my library - by external data reference, pre-fill: Login ID.

  5. Then, I created a new link of the second survey by adding the following: ?Login%20ID=${e://Field/Login%20ID} to the existing link.

  6. I combined the first survey with this new link.

However, when I finished the first survey, there is an error:
image.pngCould someone help me to fix this problem?
Thanks a lot!

Hi there - it looks like one of our Support specialists was able to narrow down the root cause of this error message and offered advice to remove your Authenticator and just pass the LoginID via Embedded Data. If anyone else is running into the same issue, feel free to reach out to our wonderful Support team!

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