How can I display one (and the same) question at the beginning OR at the end of my survey? | XM Community
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I have one question that might influence participants so I want to check whether it is of influence if I ask it at the beginning or at the end of the survey. So participant will only see this question once at the beginning OR at the end. This question should thus be randomly presented to participants but at the specific place of the beginning OR at the end. So normal randomizer won't work because there you can't say I want it at the beginning or at the end of my survey.

I would use a randomizer to first assign an embedded data element (Q_order= first or last), then include the single question in its survey block. Last you then use branching logic to show the question at either the beginning or the end.

A simple version of this setup would look like this:


Note - Adding the embedded data element also makes A|B comparison straightforward.

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