How can I format this chart into questions, where a client would pick a statement and get a score? | XM Community
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Hello. My company needs to make this scorecard test/quiz into digital form. I thought the best platform for this would be qualtrics (if you think different please let me know too!). We need clients to be able to read the category on the left and then go along horizontally and pick which statement they resonate with. Then, based on what they pick they will get scores(numbers from above) and at the end we want to give them their scores/results. Ultimately would be nice if theres even a way for their score to be automatically compared to other companies who have taken this. And then we want it to launch into some page or a part of the survey after they take it, where depending on their score range, we outline some tips to help them or next steps.

Thanks for your help. Feel free to email me at or call me at 740-616-5964. Trying to get this project done. Thanks.
Hi @abbeyoday,

I have a question here. How do you plan to do the scoring for 4 options using a 12 point scale. Would the scoring scale be limited to 3,6,9 & 12 or 1,4,7,10 ?

For example, If I select the first option for category "Exponential Purpose Play" would I get 1,2 or 3?

You can use sliders to form your questions. Instead of a chart, you would have one slider for each of the 9 factors (btw your instructions says there are 8 factors). Each slider would be configured to have 11 grid lines and a range of 1 to 12. Then add 2 choices: Today and Future. Put in 4 labels, and enter the text from your chart groups.

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