How can I keep a respondent on the same question (or block of questions) until I get a good answer? | XM Community
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I'm using a multiple choice question, and want them to stay if they answer it with d, e, or f. But if they respond with a, b, or c, they can go on to the next question (or block). Any ideas?
Do you need to track if they tried to answer with the unacceptable options?

If you don't have to then you can add validation to the question that will only pass and allow them to move on if d, e, and f are not selected.

See the sections on custom validation:
Best solution is that to throw an error message if they not selected a, b or c. Like "please recheck your answers" if they still not selected desired options you can terminate them.
Hi, You may use custom validation to restrict answer choices and throw error message for the wrong selections. I have shared screenshots for your reference. You may customize the error message per your requirements.

Screenshot 1 - Applying custom validation


Screenshot 2: Error Message for wrong selection


Hope this will help.
thanks everyone (I'm sorry I don't know your names - only your handles). I will try those out! I thought it should have a simple answer, but I couldn't find it in the support documentation, and I couldn't remember.

bstrahin - nope, don't need to track their "wrong" answers...I just want to keep them there until they pick a valid one. Of course i will have to add a "never mind" option so they can exit the form altogether...

Thanks everyone!
Can you please let us know how displayErrorMessage function cab be used in Qualtrics (maybe we can use this function to show JS pop ups) for multiple validations on the same question.
Hey @Piyush_Sharma_88! If you have a new question, be sure to create a new post so there is more visibility!

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