How can I let each respondent create unique identifiers in an anonymous survey? | XM Community
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I'm creating a study and need to be able to remove individual responses. However as I'm using an anonymous survey I won't be able any information that can specifically identify someone and have said I would give the ability for the participant to provide a unique identifier (e.g. two letters and two numbers). I have scoured the internet for answers to this, and haven't come across any. Hopefully someone is able to answer this! Thanks!
The easiest solution would be to just pipe the ResponseID and let the respondents use that as the unique is quite a bit longer than 4 characters though.

To use unique 4 character codes, you would have to store them externally and use web services to save them and check them. The check would be an ajax call since presumably you wouldn't want to advance to the next page until you confirmed the code they entered is unique.

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