How can I quickly work out which questions my participants were shown? | XM Community
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Trying to explain this as simply as possible. My participants were randomly assigned to a condition (4 different audio clips), meaning there was one audio clip they listened to (and thus three that they did not listen to). I have 'exported' my data, but there is no indication of which condition (i.e. which audio clip) my individual participants listened to. The only way I seem to be able to find which condition they did, is by manually clicking on 'view response.' I then have to manually input this into my data file. As I have several hundreds of participants, this is taking a long time. Is there any way to get like a long list of which condition my participants were shown?
Not sure there is a way to do this going backwards, but in the future it is good practice to assign an embedded data field with this information in conjunction with the condition they saw. How did you determine which condition was selected? It may still be doable.
Thanks for the reply! So what I did, was I embedded the audio clips into a 'text' style question, each one into a separate question in the same block, and then I used the randomise feature to make it so they only see one out of the four at random.
If you download your data set, those questions should have a column in the data. only people who saw each one will have a 1 under that question. I can confirm this when downloaded using the legacy exporter, but not the legacy view results format.
This worked, thank you so much!
> @13388518 said:

> This worked, thank you so much!

Glad I could help! No one should have to do all that coding manually!
Probably could've gotten one of the research assistants to do it, but I don't think they deserve that!

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