How can I randomize blocks until desired count? | XM Community
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I have 15 blocks of questions which I have randomized so each respondent gets one block. I only need 3 responses for each block, so I need a way to leave blocks out of my flow when they get three respondents each. I can't find a way to include counts as conditions... any help will be much appreciated!
You can set up a quota for each block, then only display a block if its quota hasn't been met.
Thanks for your fast response. But I think I can't define a quota as they depend on particular choices. I believe I need to work with counts... unless it's possible to create a quota based on something such as "anything" is selected?
Base your quotas on embedded variables. You're going to have to put each block in a branch anyway, so inside that branch set an embedded variable that tells you the block was seen.

BTW, you can do logic based on "displayed" choices which is most cases (unless you have choice display logic) is "anything".

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