How can I set up an email invitation with link to two different surveys? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I am in process of distributing two surveys to a long list of contacts. However, I would need to let them choose which of the two surveys to take based on their response to a specific question (to be included in the mail).

I know that I could have opted for a unique survey using a question/initial condition for splitting the two surveys, but the structure of the surveys was quite complex and now I would not like to loose too much time with changes.

Does anyone know how I can solve this issue? I have tried to copy and paste the two links in the standardised email form but once the email is sent they both direct to the same survey. Moreover, I would not like to use the anonymous link since I need to track other information from the contact list.

Many thanks for your help,


Hello @Pat87 ,

One of the ways -

You can have email question in one survey and based on the email question response you can use distribution API to send the respective link to that respondent.
Hi @Pat87

if number of responses is not an issue for you can use authenticiators

First of all a third survey will be required to be created:

In this survey you can ask the question you wanted to ask and on the basis of this question redirect the respondent into the survey of your choice with email Id appended to the URL as query string (say RespEmail).

Now in the two surveys you will have to add an authenticator at top of survey flow and in its options reduce the number of tries to 1, Select the appropriate contact list and choose email for authentication , tick on pre fill and add the embedded data field name

The setup should look like this in survey flow


The only drawback here would be the for every response two responses would recorded against your licence.

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