How can I show ResponseID at the end of the survey? | XM Community
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Hello to everyone!

I did already research on the community, but I have some specific questions about ResponseID.

I would like to provide an unique code, no matter if is alphanumeric or just numeric, to my participants of my survey.

I was thinking that the random number, that I can provide with Qualtrics, is not my solution, because I can not guarantee that will be unique.

The best solution I think is the ResponseID, but, I have some doubts.

These are my questions:

1) There is a way to show ResponseID at the end of the survey to my participants? Like with "embedded data"?

2) Is ResponseID unique for every participant?

3) This ResponseID will be the same of the ResponseID that I get on the data output of the answers of all my participants? Or it will change?

4) There are privacy issues to show, by email, all the responseIDs, to all my participants?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the many questions just in one discussion.
Hello @alukatos ,

1) There is a way to show ResponseID at the end of the survey to my participants? Like with "embedded data"? -> `${e://Field/ResponseID}`

2) Is ResponseID unique for every participant? -> Yes, It is unique

3) This ResponseID will be the same of the ResponseID that I get on the data output of the answers of all my participants? Or it will change? -> Remains same

4) There are privacy issues to show, by email, all the responseIDs, to all my participants? -> Don't think it is in Best practice to show how, by email, all the responseIDs, to all your participants
Dear @Shashi ,

Thank you for every answer!

I would like to explain the reason of my question number four.

My survey is going to be very long, like 60 minutes, and I need completely strangers from my country to take part of this survey. It will be very difficult to collect data from strangers and I have to dispense the survey only online (in social network groups).

My Idea, that I will discuss with my professor, is to make a final "prize draw" where participants will have the chance, completing my survey, to win a coupon of a famous e-commerce website. I think that maybe this thing could motivate them to take part of my survey. I'm completely not sure about this, it's something working in progress.

But, for transparency, if my idea will go on, I will make a video to send to all my participants, uploaded on youtube, where everyone can see the prize draw, and everyone, just on video, will see every ResponseID.

My idea is not to make a show, just a video-capture in excel where there will be a list of all the responseID and with a simply formula in excel, one responseID will be chosen.

I can not use their email, because there will be a privacy and spam Issue. I only will use their email to:

1) Update the participants about this prize-draw

2) Contact the winner.

Something like that. I don't want to send Qualtrics data to all my participants of course 🙂

What do you think?
Hello @alukatos ,

Assuming you are asking email address from the respondent in the survey and you will only use those email address to contact the winner.

You can go ahead with the plan i.e. you can show the ResponseID in the video because the winner will be announced once the survey is closed. So make sure you close the survey before announcing the winner.
Everything clear! Thank you for your help!


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