How do get people's responses to carry through to a later question? | XM Community
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Hello everyone, I am designing a survey for my thesis project. For my survey, the answer to a question is referred to at a later point in the survey. So for eg my first question is "What is your favourite colour" and the participant's respond "XYZ". Then a couple of questions later, I want them to think BACK to that response and give me another rating. So for example I want their answer to show up on another block like "name 8 things that are XYZ" where XYZ is the answer from the previous block.
Is there a way to do that? Any help would be much appreciated!!

This support page explains using piped text from previous questions:

If it's a multiple choice question you will based the piped text off selected choices

Thank you for responding! Its not a multiple choice question but a one-word text response, would it still work?

Yes! the support page also details how to pipe from text entry

Thank you so much!!

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