How do I apply changed scoring to completed survey responses? | XM Community
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I've used a 5-poiny Likert scale for my survey but after some people responded and I began to look at the reports I realised that I had assigned an ascending order of scores instead of descending. I have now corrected the scoring in the survey but the report still reflects the earlier scoring. How do I get the report to reflect the new scoring for those responses which have already been completed?

Since scoring works retroactively(make sure you have published the survey after changing the score), try pulling the actual/ default scoring embedded in reports.

Thanks. My survey now isn't allowing me to publish. The publish button has turned grey and is not accessible.

The publish button has turned grey and is not accessible. - This means your survey is already published at the latest version, and you must be able to see the updated score in the data and analysis tab.

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