How do I avoid returning zero in my data when a respondent skips a question | XM Community
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Hi, I'm very much still learning how to use Qualtrics, and cannot find a solution to this problem.

I use maths operations in embedded data in survey flow to calculate percentages from data provided in a respondent's survey. That gives me dynamic data for each respondent that I can average across all respondents and report in a dashboard widget (I'll share some widgets with respondents). However, the maths operations return a zero value when a respondent has skipped that question. For example, if I have 20 respondents, but 10 skip the question, my maths operations is returning 0 for those ten when they should be null. This in turn skews the average when I report in a widget.

This must be a very common problem. Maths ops don't permit if statement as far as I can see - what am I missing? I hope someone can help - thanks
Hello @TCA ,

Assuming by null you mean blank

Store the math operation result in an embedded data(m)

Apply two branch logic on the m i.e

(1) if m=0 then just declare new embedded data(m1) without setting any value

(2) if m is not equal to 0 then set same new embedded data(m1) with value of math operation result embedded data(m)

Now use this new embedded data(m1) for dashboard


@TCA - you can put the math operation inside a branch and only execute it if the question wasn't skipped.

You haven't told use about the skipped question, so I can't provide any insight on what the branch condition would look like.
perfect, that makes complete sense. I've tried and it works - thanks @TomG and @Shashi

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