How do I create a clean link for use when someone tested the anonymous link? | XM Community
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I had someone do a test of the survey using the anonymous link to make sure it worked before it was distributed company wide. Now this person is unable to take the survey because the system seems to think that he already took it before despite the fact that I deleted his initial response. the Ballot stuffing option is not selected. I guess my question is how do i get this person a clean link to take the survey with it still being anonymous and grouped with the rest of the companies response.
You can generate them their own personal link. Even create dummy data to generate one for just for them.

Alternatively, have them use a "private" or "incognito" browser window to complete the survey again.
Hi @Jill_Crane ,

Most likely the person's response is still stuck in the "Responses in Progress". If you can't see this person's data in the "Recorded data" tab this means that the response has not been closed so they won't be able to retake it via the anonymous link from the same PC.

Perhaps try using incognito mode as @Kate has suggested or maybe their mobile device?

Hope that helps.
If the person has a different browser on the same computer, they should also be able to use that to complete the survey.

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