How do I create a text anchor? | XM Community
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I would like to create additional descriptions for each statement in question. I believe that text anchors might be the right tool?

If so, I do not know where in the question (header?) to enter the additional descriptive text and how to label it as anchor text to link to.
Hello @shphill ,

For descriptive text to statements of the question we can use span title in the HTML view of Rich Content Editor as

<span title="description 1">statement 1</span>

<span title="description 2">statement 2</span>

<span title="description 3">statement 3</span>

The above code will give description of statement once hovered on the statements

Eg Code: `<span title="Description 4">Statement 4</span>`

o/p: <span title="Description 4">Statement 4</span>
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @shphill ,



> For descriptive text to statements of the question we can use span title in the HTML view of Rich Content Editor as


> <span title="description 1">statement 1</span>

> <span title="description 2">statement 2</span>

> <span title="description 3">statement 3</span>


> The above code will give description of statement once hovered on the statements

> Eg Code: `<span title="Description 4">Statement 4</span>`

> o/p: <span title="Description 4">Statement 4</span>

Any idea how to get an (i) icon? So people don't miss the tooltip
Hello @MsIreen ,

You can do something similar:

`Statement 4 <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" title="Description 4">[?]</span>`

This will make [?] in red color and cursor will be in pointer
ⓘ `ⓘ`is what I was looking for after all 😀

But thanks a lot @Shashi

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