How do I customise the wording of a question based on responses to a previous question? | XM Community
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I don't simply want to pipe through the previous answer, I want to flex the wording based on the previous response
Create a branch flow so that if SelectedAnswer=2 then Embedded data category WORDCHOICE1=A. If SelectedAnswer=2 then Embedded data category WORDCHOICE1=B. Then pipe in the needed embedded data into the needed space where the wording needs to change.

That's a little vague, so feel free to ask questions if that doesn't make sense. Maybe give an example of what you're trying to do so we can show you in screenshots
@GraemeH , The only other option would be to use formula as Ternary operator. An expression a ? b : c evaluates to b if the value of a is true, and otherwise to c. This is advisable for limited no of options in the answer list else we have to use pipe in function. Hope this helps!
> @Kate said:

> Create a branch flow so that if SelectedAnswer=2 then Embedded data category WORDCHOICE1=A. If SelectedAnswer=2 then Embedded data category WORDCHOICE1=B. Then pipe in the needed embedded data into the needed space where the wording needs to change.


> That's a little vague, so feel free to ask questions if that doesn't make sense. Maybe give an example of what you're trying to do so we can show you in screenshots

Thanks Kate, I think that makes sense, will try it out

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