How do I display a question multiple times? | XM Community
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Not sure if this is possible. I have tried to carry forward, loop & merge and display logic with one and multiple conditions. I am a newbie so hopefully, it's user error 🙂

My first survey question is - How many times did you _____?

The response option is multiple choice up to the number 30 (not my choice).

I have the options, 1-30, displayed as radio buttons single answer, column, text with 10 columns.

My goal is to have the next question be dynamic based on the response.

If the user selected 5, then the next question would be - Please provide the dates you did ____ with 5 free text boxes.

Is this possible _or_ will the user have to type the 5 dates in one text box?

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I greatly appreciate it!
Your issue is using a multiple select question to pick the number. Having them type the number in would make it much easier to do the follow-up question because you would be able to less than or equal display logic.

Since you have a multiple choice question...

Non-JavaScript Solution:

Your next question can be a text entry form with 30 inputs. On each row add display logic to display it if the answer to the previous question is one of the choices up to the current row (e.g. row3 condition would be is Q1 is 1 OR Q1 is 2 OR Q1 is 3 (that will be a lot of conditions by the time you get to can decrease it a bit by switching it to AND NOT conditions when you get past row 15).

JavaScript Solution:

Add JS to the text entry form with 30 inputs and pipe the Q1 answer into the script. Use the number to hide the rows that are greater than the Q1 answer.

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