How do I hide "none" from a MC question where UNSELECTED choices were carried forwarded? | XM Community
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I have a single choice Q followed by a multiple choice Q where I want the UNSELECTED items from the first Q carried forward into the second Q. I want the second multiple choice Q to have a mutually exclusive "none of the above" option, however, the "none of the above" from the first single choice Q that is carried over doesn't act as a mutually exclusive option. So I need to hide it and add a "none of the above" to manage exclusivity.
I assume this is a Java script, with which I have no experience please send clear instructions on how to hide an option from a carried over Q in a horizontal multiple choice Q. (Thanks ~Leslie)
Qualtrics Help.JPG

Using advance randomization, put the carry forwarded none of the option under "do not display items" list and add new option as required.

Thanks for responding!!! When I go to advanced randomization in the question where answers are carried forward, it doesn't give me the list of answer options at all. :(

Qualtrics Help2.JPG refreshing the page and then check the advanced randomization option again.

YEEEEEES!!!!!!! That worked, thank you!!!


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