How do I make my individualised survey links tidier in longitudinal follow up emails? | XM Community
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Hi all,

I have designed a survey which features a screening/baseline survey and follow ups at one, three and six months. I have embedded a participant ID to link responses across the four surveys and arranged for the emails to be sent out containing a survey URL with a query link so that the participant ID is carried across.

However, the links in the follow up emails look like this...
qualtrics links.PNG
Does anyone know how I can make the links tidier - this is particularly the case for the first one where ideally it would just say 'take the survey' without any of the surrounding text.

Would be so grateful for any advice!

Thanks in advance,

It looks like the html in your email is messed up. It should be:
Take the survey
Also, the value of the Login ID parameter is messed up. It probably isn't even the correct value, but if it is the space between "m" and "V" should be encoded as %20.

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