How do I offer several mulitple choice scales to one question? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I'm wondering how i can offer respondents different "multiple choice" scales to one and the same question?

Furthermore, I want to randomize _between_ the answer scales, so the way I do it right now (just repeating the same question three times and asking for another scale) does not look very professional and respondent friendly.

Do I need to separate the different scales to individual answer options and also separately state the question on top (to avoid the randomization) or is there another option that I have not found, yet?


Question: Please indicate your perception of the requested information to use the app.

Answer (multiple choice):

Very sensitive - not sensitive at all

Very personal - not personal at all

Very risky - not risky at all

Thanks very much in advance!

If each of the scales has the same number of points, you can use a Matrix Profile question type.
Thanks @TomG! I will check this out!

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