How do I put in a good 3x2 design? | XM Community
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For my study we use a 3x2 design, where the particpants will be randomly assigned to a vignette (I will have 6 vignettes in total). After the read the vignette they will all be asked the same two questions.
My question now is what the smartes move would be in how to organize the surveyflow. I understand/know how to randomly assign the 6 vignettes, but I can't really find how it will show in SPSS. So if I would first randomly assign the vignette and then ask them the question, would I be able to see in spss which vignette (thus, which group) the participant was in?
Thank you

My understanding of 3 x 2 experiment is that the participant will randomly encounter 1 condition from 3 and then 1 condition from 2.
For this, in the survey flow, you'll need one randomizer for the first condition, followed by a randomizer for the second condition.
If you take a look at the export options, you can customize whatever information you want to collect. The support documents detail out the various options available in the randomizer.

So if I just randomize it, then ask a question that all participants get, I will be able to see in spss in which group each participant was? you can get that data by looking at the filled columns. But, you can also use an embedded to get the assigned group detail easily.
So in randomizer add three group elements and in each element add the respective block and set an embedded dat 'assignedGroup' to 1/2/3 based on the group.

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