How do I set up complicated logic for matrix tables? | XM Community
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So the last question of block 1 sets up the flow for the remaining blocks.

Blocks 2-8 all have the same format: matrix table -> form fields -> multiple choice

The matrix table is multi answer select because we are trying to determine the donation frequency received by the respondents (nonprofit organizations associated with our company).

The options in the matrix table are: free, discounted, full price, N/A.

Display logic is used to determine which, multi-answer selections allow the respondent to see the following 2 questions in the block.

If the respondent chooses: free, discounted, free & discounted, free & full price, discounted & full price, or free & discounted & full price -> they SHOULD be able to see the next 2 questions.

If they chose: full price or N/A for every statement in the matrix table then they SHOULD NOT see the next 2 questions.

Display logic is set up separately for every form field in the next question that way if the respondent answered N/A for some but gave free or discounted, etc for the others, only the ones without N/A or Full Price (by itself) would appear.

I’ve created all of the display logic for it and have been testing it. My problem seems to be that the display logic is not working correctly to keep the multiple choice question hidden if Full price and/or N/A is chosen.
Hi @AlexK would you mind posting some screen shots of the logic you have set up?

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