How do I set up (start) a survey using a conjoint design? | XM Community
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"Conjoint Projects are an additional purchase. Please contact your Account Executive if you are interested in learning more about this product."

My Brand Administrator did not know conjoint analyses were additional purchases and did not recommend contacting an account executive.

I have seen the demo pages/steps and understand the general process.
The conjoint surveys are an additional 'module' of sorts and you need to have a project purchased to be able to access them. If you're asking how to start that, you'll need to have your Brand Admin purchase at least 1 conjoint project from your Account Exec, then you'll be able to access the feature and start your survey design.
That's it 🙂 Okay thanks! Wouldn't happen to know what these things cost would you?
I could be wrong, but I believe the cost varies depending on your type of license (aka how many responses, etc.) It's a super easy question for your Account Exec to answer, though! And I'm sure you could see a really cool demo if you did ask.

If my answer helped you, I'd be grateful if you marked it as accepted!
Will do - thanks again.

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