How do you maximize engagement with email surveys when administrating B2B CX campaigns? | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Community -

While there are many articles written about how to not get your email survey sent to spam or fire-walled, I have still been having problems getting several customer accounts to engage with the email. In some instances, we see NO emails opened for an entire account with over 50 contacts. My questions are:

1) Is there a way within or without the platform to find out what's happening with these emails (are they being flagged by corporate firewalls, spam etc? Are our customers too busy to bother with a survey? Is the way we've framed the subject of the email too generic?

2) What are some lesser known best practices to maximize customer engagement?


1. Whenever I run into this problem, especially (bank clients), it is because of their firewall and security on their end. If you can send the survey to yourself no problem, then I would definitely let the clients know they need to have a conversation with their IT department because the security issue is on their side.


Humanize yourself. More respondents will answer and answer with engagement if they feel like there isn't a robot sending the survey.

Be transparent and communicate as much as you can with respondents (when possible). When respondents understand the cause and what they are solving for then they are more likely willing to help.

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