How to add a fixed question at the end of a randomized block? | XM Community
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Dear community,

we would like to insert a control question into our survey that appears always at the end of a block but all other questions in this block are supposed to be randomized. How can we do this? We only saw the options to randomize all questions in the block and if we put it in the end in the advanced settings it did not work.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Jana

You can do this with the help of Question Randomization's Advanced Randomization.

You can select all the questions you want to be randomized from the fixed order section and move them to randomize order section. Keep the Question you want to appear last last with the up an down buttons on the UI . You can set the question at last place and that should be all. After you have randomized all contents of block it should look something like the image below


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