How to add the "Take Survey" link to a specific part of an image? | XM Community
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Hello all,

I have an image that I want to be my survey invite email - it has everything I need on it.

I would like to know how I can add the take survey link, the opt out link AND a hyperlink to a new email popup to different parts of the same picture, is this possible?

If not, can I add an image as my email backgroud and have text over it?


Ramon Reis
You can use the html `<map>` and `<area>` tags to make parts of an image clickable links.

The issue is that it may not be supported on the various email clients the recipients use. It is definitely something you'll want to test on a variety of popular email clients.
Thank you, TomG.

I will try to use that. I am not sure how to do that, but I am sure I will be able to find something in the Internet.

If you or anyone has a detailed explanation (or examples) on how to do that, I would really appreciate.


Ramon Reis
Hello @RReis ,

Use following link to get the co-ordinates of the part of image and in the href attribute set the value as your link

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