How to ask follow up q for 2 items of a matrix question of 18 items - depending on the answers given | XM Community
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I have a matrix questions with 18 items (I know - that is a lot) and 7 answers (likert scale satisfaction (5) + n/a and dk).

I only want respondents to follow up on 2 answers (else it would be too much) - the most positive and the most negative. If respondents answer e.g. 3 times 'very satisfied', random one of these three should be selected as the most positive. I have previously worked in software where we could work with lists that were not shown to the respondent (it were no questions). I am new in Qualtrics. Is there a similar option here? Or another solution?
You could do this with branching logic, embedded data and a couple randomizers.

What I would do is recode the likert scale to numeric values and then use math operations to check if there are multiple high scores. If not, set whatever question as Embedded Data (ie SoloPositive) and ask your follow-up question. If so, set all three to separate Embedded Data (ie Positive1, Positive2, Positive3) and include a randomizer to present one of the three and your follow up question.

Repeat for most negative answer.

Hope that helps!

Edited to add: holler if you need help with this. You'll need to nest a bunch and it could get complicated.
Thanks a lot!

I already found a solution for the SoloPositive and SoloNegative. But the multiples are the issue.

As I do not know up front how many Positive (answer 1) and Negative (answer 5) answers I get, would I have to program a set of 2, set of 3, set of 4, set of 5....set of 18. That would really be too much work. (obviously I do want to know when I do the analysis which question is asked).

Then I rather would let the respondent choose which answer is most positive (show all 1's) and which one is most negative (show all 5's) + why.

Your help is very welcome, as I am still learning this software.

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