how to batch edit the format of questions | XM Community
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How can I edit the format (e.g. font, size, alignment, etc.) of multiple question texts? Thanks!
Hello @nannan ,

There are multiple ways to do this-

1. We can do few formatting from the Look and Feel tab. This will do formatting for all the questions in the survey.

2. We can also use Rich content Editor and HTML view to do formatting on specific questions.

3. If we are familiar with CSS then we can use question Id and some classes and ID to target bunch of questions using Add Custom CSS option in look and feel tab.
@Shashi Many thanks for your reply. Since I am not familiar with CSS, is there a way to change the format of a bunch of specific questions (but not all the questions)? If no, are there any examples for me to follow?
> @nannan said:

> @Shashi Many thanks for your reply. Since I am not familiar with CSS, is there a way to change the format of a bunch of specific questions (but not all the questions)? If no, are there any examples for me to follow?

So, We can make CSS specific to a question / group of question by adding the question's id to the rule's selector. For example:

#QID1 .QuestionText, #QID3 .QuestionText {



The above code will display question Text of question with QID 1 and 3 as red, similarly you can use different classes to edit different elemet of question.

You can learn basics of CSS here
@Shashi Thanks a lot!

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