How to carry forward a text entry from a matrix question | XM Community
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Is it possible to bring the actual text entry from an "Other (specify)" item in a matrix question into a follow-up ranking question? Currently, it carries forward "Other (specify)" with the blank text entry box. Thanks!

Yes you can bring the verbatim response to your matrix question.

Pipe the text answe as your row label like using : "${q://QID44/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}"

also apply display logic on this labels so that it is displayed only if other is clicked.
Thank you @bansalpeeyush29. I am trying to bring the verbatim response TO the ranking question FROM the matrix question using carry forward. In this case, I don't understand how I would get piped text into the ranking question...? Is there a way?
Hello @MCF ,

Select "Selected choices - Entered text" from the carry forward items.
Thanks @Shashi -- For the carry forward I have "Selected statements for scale point: Very Challenging" already selected here and it does not look like I can add a 2nd item "Selected choices - Entered text" to the carry forward...?
> @MCF said:

> Thanks @Shashi -- For the carry forward I have "Selected statements for scale point: Very Challenging" already selected here and it does not look like I can add a 2nd item "Selected choices - Entered text" to the carry forward...?

Understood the scenario:

Paste the below code in the Rank order question and change the piped text with the piped text of the text entry of the Matrix other statement

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").attr("readonly",true).val("${q://QID7/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}");

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