How to carry forward rank ordered images | XM Community
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In short:

For my survey I have respondents rank a number of images. Later on in the survey I want to show these images again based on the way the respondent ranked them before. Does qualtrics have an option to do this? I could not find it under the carry forward options.

The longer version:

In my survey respondents can vote for a t-shirt design, either by selecting one option or by rank ordering them. Now later on in the survey I want to show them the winning design based on their previous answer. They either get to see that their choice/rank order is the winning one, or they get to see that their choice did not win.

For the option with only 1 choice i can use the carry forward answer option and show the respondent that their choice did indeed win. However, when i want to show them that another design won, i seem unable to do this. All i can do is show them all the designs that they did not pick. Is there anyway to show just one option they did not pick?

For the rank ordering it seems even more difficult. It looks like it is not possible to carry forward images in they way they where rank ordered or to carry them forward in a random order using the carry forward option in qualtrics. Is there anyway to do this? It seems like this could be very simple, however i can not find the option in qualtrics.

I found this thread that should explain it using the java script

I however do not understand the slightest thing about coding, can anyone explain this to me?

Hope anyone can help me!
For rank order you have to first store your ranked items rank wise in embedded variables. Later on use embedded variable for piping in next questions.

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