How to create a variable that tracks quota group assignment(s) | XM Community
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Hi folks! Can one or more of you awesome community members please tell me how to create variables (e.g., embedded data? somewhere else?) that will track the quota group(s) our respondents fall into?

It feels like quota tracking variables should automatically be exported with no additional programming, but we've yet to see them in our data exports. I am either missing something really basic, or there's something special I need to do to capture such information.

Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated!
Yeah! What you can do is as follows:

In your survey flow, assign Embedded Data Fields that follow the needs of your survey

Then, in your Quota Section, set it to be triggered by Embedded Data Fields as seen below:


So, if their FAVORITE_COLOR (an embedded data field) is equal to BLUE, it will increment the quota!

(Quick Gotcha warning: The Quota count is slow to update in the Development Panel. Create a Report that references the quota for instant results. If that doesn't make sense, let me know)
@Michael_Campbell_RedPepper Thank you! How would that behave with quotas set up under the multiple match setup? We're having a hard time connecting the dots...
For sure! It's not too complicated, but when it comes to the multiple match setup, you either need to have the paid package that performs that for you code it in the Javascript API. That process is rather lengthy - it requires pulling the current quota values, performing logic on how to determine which to add it to (what Embedded Data Fields are supplied vs. the quota with the lowest 'Met Count' that it falls into).

Are you familiar with Javascript?
Thanks so much Michael! We are in the process of having the advanced quotas function enabled, so we're just trying to think ahead for how to set those quota variables for export once we have the multiple match goodness in place. 🙂
Ahhhh! Well, I want to help you in any way I can!

Let's see how much I can get you started without using Javascript - I lean on it heavily but want to use the Platform as much as possible.

Here is how you set up a Quota that fills into the smallest bucket - you set a rule saying if it matches more than one, put it into the one with the 'Least Met' (to use Qualtrics/Survey vernacular)

(and then here is the sample quota to the right.. it doesn't pertain to the question, but shows how you can use a bit of logic to have multiple data points combine into a single quota)

OOOooohh, I misunderstood your question. I missed the part about

> It feels like quota tracking variables should automatically be exported with no additional programming, but we've yet to see them in our data exports

Let me look into that.
thanks Michael!
I can't figure out a way to do this with the Platform! I might be able to do it with code, but not without a bit of elbow grease. Sorry about that!
No worries, thanks anyway!
Hi @adw! After taking a closer look at your exchange, we believe this is a question our Support Team would be best able to handle. Feel free to reach out to our Support Team (if you haven't already) so they can work with you on this inquiry!

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