How to create and fill a hidden dummy question | XM Community
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I have a single question "A" with 5 answers.

Based on the answer of question "A" I want to fill a hidden dummy single question "B" that has 2 answers.

So if question A=1 then question B should get 1.

if question A=2, 3, 4 or 5 then question B should get 2.

How can I do that?

Best regards

Does it have to be a dummy question? If not, you can store the results of what would be Question B in embedded data. This will be included in your results just like a question would be.

To set it up, use branch logic in your survey flow to set your conditions, then add in the value for the embedded data underneath that branch.
Thanks for your answer!

I wanted to use a dummy question because I must later pipe its answer labels into another question text. I could also solve this with embedded data but with a dummy question it is easier to translate the texts to other languages.

Also I want to avoid branch logic in the survey flow because this splits my block into multiple smaller blocks as I cannot use branch logic within a block but only between two blocks.
@Ollie - You can set response of Question B based on response of Question A by javascript and hide this question so respondent don't see it

Below can help:-

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