How to customize a question text for different individualized links? | XM Community
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Hi Qualtrics community,

We want to set a question and show the respondent's name in the question. Also, we want to generate individualized links for the participants. I have tried to search if there are similar questions in the community but I failed to find one. Or maybe I used wrong words for searching. How can we do this?

Thanks a lot!
Piped text: You can use pipe text to pipe in respondent name in your question.

Personal link: Go to distribution and create personal link for each respondent.

OR use base url append with Name say like " Anonymouslink?Name=xxxx" use this Name variable to pipe in question.
If you are using the Qualtrics mailer to distribute the survey, individual links will automatically be generated. If you are using a third party mailer to distribute the survey, you can follow the steps here to generate personalized links for each individual.

To add a respondent's name to a question, use piped text from a contact list. The steps are here.
Thanks a lot @dobra021 and @Rock !

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