How to delay clicking on the options in a multiple choice question? | XM Community
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Hello, I need to make sure participants in my study don't just click on the options without first reading them. So, I need a code to delay the click (by say 5 seconds). That is, the options are not clickable (selectable) until after 5 seconds. Can anyone help me with that please?
This may confuse your participants and/or frustrate those who read quickly. You may want to consider instead using checks (like a question they'd be able to answer if they read something specific and kicking them out if they answer incorrectly) periodically throughout your survey.
Hello @busmarketing ,

You can achieve this using "Timer question" on each page with sub-options set as below image:


And also have a message in question as "You can go to next question after 5 seconds"

Show timer option will just show the counter so the respondent can keep a check on time
@Shashi Nice, that will eliminate the confusion I was imagining. Good call!

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