How to delete data in 'reports' section | XM Community
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I am new to Qualtrics and I made a survey on it. I did many attempts to answers my own survey just to try it, but I see all my tries in the "reports" section and I am not able to erase them. I don't see any of my attempts in the 'data and analyses' section though. People have answered the survey too and I only want to keep their answers, but I don't know how to erase my many tries in the "reports" section and keep the good answers from people who have answered it.

ALSO, I don't see people's answers in the "data and analyses" section, even though they answered the whole survey... But I see their answers in the "reports" section as well as my many attempts (that I want to erase).

Please help !!! I would really appreciate someone to tell me how to manage that.
you can apply some sort of filter to report to exclude these results or best is to delete via data analysis tab.
Hi @emilierodier what do you see in the Data & Analysis tab? Qualtrics usually takes some time to process data the first time you are viewing it there, so you may need to refresh the page. From there, you should be able to delete those responses.

If you still can't see any data in that tab after refreshing, I would reach out to Qualtrics support. That would be a major issue. Please keep us updated!
Thank you both for replying ! I really appreciate it. In fact, I had to contact Qualtrics support and there was indeed a problem with my survey. My data was "stuck" somewhere and they had to do something so I could see them in the 'data and analysis' section.

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