How to delete metadata from collected data? | XM Community
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Due to GDPR I have to delete personal metadata like: IP adress, Location longitude, and Location latitude. Unfortunately there do not seem to be a simple solution in Research Core when it comes to data _already_ collected. Perhaps you have an idea how to solve this?
Have you tried pre-populating the data with a static field like "deleted". I assume this is like Q_URL in that it is a field that doesn't need to be mapped in the survey flow, but can be if you need it.

I am not sure what these fields are called though... probably Q_IP address or something... for that you'd need to calls support.
Thank you, Akdashboard, for taking time to answer my question.

Now I got feedback from Q Support, in due time, and the solution is like this:

"In order to delete ipaddresses, latitude and longitude you just need to go into your survey options and click on Anonymize Response [Survey -> Survey Option -> ]. This works retroactively so any identifying information automatically collected by Qualtrics will no longer appear in your data. "

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