How to display a list of address and remove the address once the survey is complete | XM Community
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I need to create a survey for recycling set out rate for my community. I have the list all addresses in the community and created a representative random sample from that list. I envision my survey having the user's address at the top and a question like "did this user set out their recycling cart - yes/no". Once the data is collected (submit button is clicked) the next address appears at the top of the survey and the yes/no question about the cart, never repeating a address.

Is this possible?
Hi Radam,

Have you looked into Loop and Merge ( It allows you to loop a block multiple times, so you could set up a single question block (did the user set out their recycling cart - yes/no), enable a loop for each address, and pipe the address into the question text.


Elliot V.W.
Loop and merge would probably work if the users were taking the survey at a single sitting. However, this will likely take around 2 weeks to complete with multiple survey takers.

Thank you for the suggestion!

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