How to Display Participant Responses to Looping Question | XM Community
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I am developing a survey where people need to provide their reasons for/against doing something, before making a decision on if they would do it. This has been established through a looping through 20 different scenarios.

We also want to establish the valence of these reasons (how positive/negative was the reason you gave), but feel that asking them to do this before the decision is made may be a confound.

Therefore, we ideally want to now show each subject the reasons they gave, for each scenario, one at a time, so they can rate them.

I know that I can pipe text through a question response, but since the response is based on a loop, it only gives me the option of specifying which iteration I want to display: !

This leads to the piped text following a format of: !.

Ideally, I would be able to have this in a nested format, where I use field1 as a set of 1:20 (all possible scenarios) and then nest this into the display:

${q://{${lm://Field/1}_QID296/ChoiceTextEntryValue}, where this bolded section would loop from 1:20 while it displayed each reason.

I know that I cannot nest piped text in this way, so I was wondering if there was a "work around", instead of requiring me to make 20 questions, each displaying the reason given for that iteration of the loop.

Please let me know if you have any ideas/solutions, or if you require more information to help answer the question.

Thanks in advance!
If you are asking the question within the loop, you can just pipe the value for the current loop. I believe it is at the end of the piped values list. Anyway, it is the same pipe without the loop number.
Could you say a bit more about this? I know I can pipe a loop value, but I don't know how that will help me either.

Each subject is shown 20 scenarios and provide reasons for/against these. These 20 scenarios run through a loop. When I choose to pipe the text responses to these questions, I'm only given the option of selecting responses to one iteration. I'm wondering if there is any way I can alter this so that I can display all 20 responses in a single question, rather than making 20 questions, each displaying a subject's response to a single iteration.

Since I can't nest piping, I'm confused as to how I could do this by piping the loop value into anything.

Sorry if I'm missing the point, I'm a Qubie!
> @WillScott66 said:

> Could you say a bit more about this? I know I can pipe a loop value, but I don't know how that will help me either.


> Each subject is shown 20 scenarios and provide reasons for/against these. These 20 scenarios run through a loop. When I choose to pipe the text responses to these questions, I'm only given the option of selecting responses to one iteration. I'm wondering if there is any way I can alter this so that I can display all 20 responses in a single question, rather than making 20 questions, each displaying a subject's response to a single iteration.


> Since I can't nest piping, I'm confused as to how I could do this by piping the loop value into anything.


> Sorry if I'm missing the point, I'm a Qubie!

My suggestion was to ask the follow-up question (the one that you pipe the text response into) WITHIN the loop & merge block. That way you can pipe in the current loop value: ${q://QID296/ChoiceTextEntryValue}

If you want to ask the follow-up question OUTSIDE the loop & merge block, then you have to pipe all 20 answers into your follow-up question separately: ${q://1_QID296/ChoiceTextEntryValue}, ${q://2_QID296/ChoiceTextEntryValue}, ... ${q://20_QID296/ChoiceTextEntryValue}.

It might help if you told us what your follow-up question is and what you want it to look like.

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