How to embed data based on IP adress and redirect survey to start again with embedded data | XM Community
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To sketch the situation: I would ask a survey on three different tablets and I need to know from which tablet it comes. I would automatically want the survey to restart again for a new respondent but I also want to know on which tablet it was filled out.

Do I have to make three identical surveys (one per tablet) and then combine the data OR is there a way to have 1 survey (with 1 link) and yet I would know on which tablet the person filled out the survey in my analysis. I do not have the take survey offline option.

(Additional question: depending on the tablet can I also change the survey background, for example if taken on tablet 1 then pink background, if else green background).

Thanks in advance for the help!
@LauraHill_95 , I would have created three different surveys and opened each of them on a different tablet. At the same time, I would have set the embedded data differently for each of them, e.g. "Tablet" = "Tablet 1".

At the same time you can probably use the different query string, e.g. "?Tablet=1", but I am not sure if it would work for the same survey when setting up the redirection..

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