how to enter the data from the paper questionnaires? | XM Community
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I have 2 respondents who don't have access to computers. So they had to finish the survey by paper version. Now my problem is that: how to enter the data from the two paper questionnaires? I have their paper response copies. 
Do you have good suggestions?

Best way would be enter those responses is csv file and upload them in the survey.
You will get an import sample from survey Data and Analysis.

I am in Data and Analysis. What's the next step? Where is the import sample?

Import Data==>Use the legacy imported==>click on "Example CSV"

Thank you. I find it. I downloaded and opened Example CSV. So my next step is entering the responses manually, right? But how do I enter? For example, in my survey,
image.pngIn the excel,
image.pngwhat should I enter?

If you have recoded then values within cell will be those recoded values else the option text as it is.

I don't recode. So I just copy and paste "Male".



But I was wondering whether I send 2 survey links. Because it will be much more convenient for me if I just need to click responses in the compute, compared with copying and pasting more than 40 questions from Qualtrics to Excel.

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