How to filter a report by a date that is the answer to a survey question instead of a metadata field | XM Community
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My survey includes a question/field to which the response is a date. I would like to create a report that includes a range of dates in answer to this question, but I can't find any answers about what kind of logic I might be able to use in this situation. I only have the options is/is not/contains etc instead of having choices similar to the metadata field for dates. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Did that field have some kind of validation? or format? (DD/MM/YYYY)

Try to go to the dashboard data configuration and create a field where the type is date

You need to identify that data as "date" in the data. Without using Vocalize, the best way to do this is to set the question answer as an embedded data in the survey flow then identify that data as "date" by clicking "options" in the embedded data element.
> @Akdashboard said:

> You need to identify that data as "date" in the data. Without using Vocalize, the best way to do this is to set the question answer as an embedded data in the survey flow then identify that data as "date" by clicking "options" in the embedded data element.

And ask respondent to enter the date format in yyyy-mm-dd.

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