How to give credit to people for anonymized survey responses | XM Community
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I have seen this Qualtrics link:

However if we assign randomized ID's to respondants (whether from a contact list - and then anonymizing responses or froim using a single anonymized survey link) - is there a way to get a list of the randomized ID's so that we can make sure that they are legitimate and assign credit for them?

This would be helpful both with Mturk and with assigning credit in a class situation for filling out a survey.

I am open to any and all suggestions on how to solve this.

You are also welcome to reach me directly at It does not seem that my email address is included with my Qualtrics Committee profile or that I am able to include it there.

Thanks in advance.

Rani Dalgin

Boston College Qualtrics Administrator
Am I correct in thinking that you want to ... say you have a list of 20 individuals that you want to survey anonymously BUT you want to provide credit to those who take the survey. If this is the case, then I would think it's not technically anonymous. Someone, somewhere, would have to have a list of "keys" that line up with a list of email addresses.

You could set the project to be anonymous and then use Generate Links ... but each email recipient would get a unique URL so that kind of kills the "feeling" of it being anonymous.

Another option would be dependent upon how the work is setup. I've had cases where the stakeholder didn't want to know who responded with what information but did want to make sure everyone did in fact, respond. So we setup the project with a standard panel and were able to send reminders, etc. Then when we delivered the results we scrubbed the user information from the data.

I don't know if this gives you any ideas. Good luck and reach out if you like.

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