How to group respondents into 5 equal buckets based on score? | XM Community
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Hi guys- So I'm trying to group respondent scores into 5 buckets.

Let's say if I have 100 responses and each of them has scores assigned, I want to group them into five equal buckets (20 respondents in each bucket).

Tricky part is- If I get 10 more responses, the total response count now becomes 110, and each bucket should have 22 respondents. It is mandatory that the data is split equally across the 5 buckets (each bucket has 20% of datapoints).

Is there a way for Qualtrics to automatically store 20% of data in each of the 5 buckets sorted by the scores?

Any help would be great, thanks!
Hi @Vivek ,

So what would happen when you have 106, 107 responses which cant be divided equally??
There is no automatic way to do this you can do this after data pull and can assign some segment to each record based on your scores so that they will split equally.
Hi @Sowrabh1993 ,

It doesn't have to be exactly 20%. In case of 106 respondents, its okay if each buckets have 21 responses and the 106th can be added to the last bucket.

Please let me know if you know of someway to do this.


Hi @bansalpeeyush29 ,

Thanks for replying- I thought of that way but I'm actually trying to build a dashboard in Vocalize using this data so it has to be automatic. Thanks again!


In another way, can we use math operations to calculate percentiles for a variable in Qualtrics?
If your survey is closed you can import that particular variable in survey and can access in vocalize by mapping it.

Yes math operations can be used.
Great- can you help me in pointing me where I can find a formula for calculating percentiles using math operations? Thanks in advance!
There is no direct formula for percentile calculation, you can use available operators to define your own formula. See below link for available operators in Qualtrics

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