How to have multiple single line text box options and have an exclusive answer radio button | XM Community
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I am new to Qualtrics and so I might be going about this completely wrong. Here is the question: !

These are all the things I have tried:

1 - I initially put this in as a text entry multi-line and the exclusive part as a multiple choice question below. 'Can't think of any sweets' should be exclusive but this doesn't work as it's a new question.

2 - The text entry multi-line is not the option our client wants - they would like to have multiple single line text boxes. We have tried this as a form but again I'm not sure how to go about adding 'Can't think of any sweets' as an exclusive option.

3 - The best I have also tried putting this in as a multiple choice - this now means that 'Can't think of any sweets' is an exclusive option but then we have radio buttons and the text entry on the row below.

Can anybody suggest how I can remove the radio buttons for the multiple choice or to allow the exclusive answer to be added into the form?
You'll have to write some JavaScript to achieve what you want. There are two approaches that could work:

1. One multi-select multiple choice with text entry on the first 10 choices with only the first box forced. Write JS would hide the radio button/labels (except for the "Can't think of any) and automatically check the first answer option to start and any time the "Can't think of any" is unchecked.

2. Two questions made to look and and act like one with JavaScript and Custom Validation. First would be a text entry form and the second a multi-select multiple choice with only the "Can't think of any" choice.
Thank you Tom! This certainly helps but I don't know any JavaScript. I kind of need a dummies version of how to do this.

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