How to hide a block from public view | XM Community
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I am going to be passing parameters from a URL into embedded data set up in survey flow. I think will pull those parameters into 4 fields setup in the survey in their own block. This is for business side needs and I do not want the public taking the survey to see the embedded data. So how can I hide the whole block from public view. Are display logic for each field the only way? Can't I just hide the block? Thanks
Hi @Yamaha,

You can hide the block from survey flow by adding branch logic.

For eg : Add below embedded data logic


Here is the support page link for survey flow
Do you need to set up a separate block? You can just set up the embedded data and the values will be available only in the data set and will not be visible to the respondents.
Thank you both. You are right Mslreen - i don't really need it.

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