How to make the "entered text by respondent in survey 1"to appear in survey 2 for same respondent? | XM Community
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I am running a two phase survey (longitudinal).

In survey 1, the respondents have to type the name of a brand.

In the survey 2, I want to remind the same respondent about the same brand he/she typed in first phase by displaying the information such as " Think of (the brand name they entered in survey 1 should appear here) and answer the following questions.

How to make the same responses appear for every respondent in the survey 2?

for Example :

In survey 1 Respondent A typed "Nike" as a brand name and Respondent B typed "Adidas"

In survey 2, for Respondent A, I want to display "Think of _NIKE_ and Answer the following questions" and for Respondent B, I want to display "Think of _Adidas_ and answer the following questions"

Please Help me in this
Use a contact trigger to save the responses you want to carry forward to survey 2 in the contact list as embedded data. Then define those embedded data fields in your survey 2 survey flow.
Thank you for the reply . May you suggest any video or can explain with the example please?
The documentation has an example:

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