How to make the "entered text by respondent in survey 1"to appear in survey 2 for same respondent? | XM Community
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I am running a two phase survey (longitudinal).

In survey 1, the respondents have to type the name of a brand.

In the survey 2, I want to remind the same respondent about the same brand he/she typed in first phase by displaying the information such as " Think of (the brand name they entered in survey 1 should appear here) and answer the following questions.

How to make the same responses appear for every respondent in the survey 2?

for Example :

In survey 1 Respondent A typed "Nike" as a brand name and Respondent B typed "Adidas"

In survey 2, for Respondent A, I want to display "Think of NIKE and Answer the following questions" and for Respondent B, I want to display "Think of Adidas and answer the following questions"

Please Help me in this
Hi @Ali_Khan if your surveys are running on two different time frames AND if you are distributing via email, then this is easy. You would just bring the value in as embedded data to the second survey and pipe the text in.

If you are on two different time frames, I think I would set this up in the same way, but just run it in a series of distributions. That is, you could pull the data from Survey 1 once a day or so, and send out the invitation for Survey 2 to the people who already took Survey 1.

If you wanted to use a generic link distribution instead of email distributions, I think you are in a tougher position. You might be able to set something up using survey actions, where you trigger the invitation to the second survey and pull the data through, but I'm less familiar with that area.
We implement such customisation on a regular basis in our projects. Here's how I do it:

Set up an embedded data variable in Survey 1 called Company and set its value to the participant's answer.

Then in the Actions tab, trigger an email to the PP with a link for survey 2. Make sure you take advantage of the "Add contacts' embedded data option" when you are distributing the survey so that you create a variable called Company and set its value to the value of your newly created embedded data variable Company.

Then in Survey two, create a blank variable called Company at the very top of the survey. It's important to leave it blank and let it set its value from the URL (you will get a message saying "Value will be set from Panel or URL"). That way, when a participant clicks on their customised link, sent via the actions of the first survey, the variable Company in Survey 2 will pick up the value of Comapny in Survey 1.

Relevant links:

Information about embedded data fields

General information about actions in Qualtrics

Specific information about setting up survey distribution - in your case distributing Survey 2

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